[Python-Dev] proposal: add basic time type to the standard library

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 20:33:52 -0600

    Guido> Proposal for internal representation (also the basis for an
    Guido> efficient pickle format):

    Guido> year  2 bytes, big-endian, unsigned (0 .. 65535)
    Guido> - Why is the year unsigned?  So memcmp() will do the right thing
    Guido>   for comparing dates (in the same timezone).

So the earliest year it can represent is 1BC (or does year == 0 represent
some other base year)?

One of MAL's desires were that he could use the abstract interface /F
defined and remain binary compatible with the current mxDateTime layout.
Will your layout work for him?
