[Python-Dev] Python 2.3a1 release -- Dec 31

Samuele Pedroni pedronis@bluewin.ch
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 13:38:33 +0100

From: "Just van Rossum" <just@letterror.com>
> I still think that __path__ manipulations are evil, as would be
> module-specific sys.path manipulation. To me, sys.path is the domain of
> *applications*, which implies that pkg.__path__ should be left alone
> also (at least by the package itself). It seems Guido is going the
> opposite direction with pkgutil.py :-(.

Indeed it seemed that there was consensus to want them (messy, hackish or
whatever they may seem).

Honestly non considering the internals, the new __path__ conveys _less_
information that it could. That's the crucial point in my eyes.

I'm -1 on the changes.
