[Python-Dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] Zip import and sys.path manipulation (was Re: directory hierarchy proposal)

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 11:02:47 -0500

>>>>> "PJE" == Phillip J Eby <pje@telecommunity.com> writes:

    PJE> That should probably read:

    | __path__ = [os.path.join(p, 'zope') for p in sys.path if 
    | isinstance(p,StringTypes)]

    PJE> or else it could break in 2.3 if somebody's putting
    PJE> non-strings on sys.path.  I don't remember exactly how the
    PJE> python-dev discussion turned out, but I kind of got the
    PJE> impression that it was going to be allowable in 2.3.  Also,
    PJE> I'm pretty sure it will not give the expected/desired results
    PJE> in conjunction with zipfile imports.

    PJE> For these and related reasons, I would suggest that a
    PJE> slightly different snippet be used instead (the names are
    PJE> lousy, improvements welcome):

    | from namespace_packages import makeNamespacePath
    | __path__ = makeNamespacePath('zope')

Random, harried thought: maybe we can use .pth files to extend the
__path__?  IOW, something like the above would search sys.path for
zope.pth files, and do the equivalent to what site.py already does.
