[Python-Dev] New and Improved Import Hooks

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 16:12:00 -0600

    >> I think there is a third position: make sys.path magic somehow (but
    >> have it still (appear to) be a list of strings) so that changes to it
    >> affect a behind-the-scenes list of objects which is normally used to
    >> do path-ish stuff.

    David> I'm not sure I understand Skip's proposal, which may be the same
    David> as the following, which strives for backwards compatibility:

    David>    - Define an alternative path which can have non-strings on it,
    David>      and define sys.path to be a "view" of the string elements in
    David>      this superpath.

Yeah, somethin' like that...
