[Python-Dev] Re: Stability and change

Gordon McMillan gmcm@hypernet.com
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 15:39:46 -0400

Using Alex Martelli's post as an excuse
to mouth off:

> ... people who won't use Python
> because they don't perceive it as stable enough for
> their needs ...

Personally, I'd take the stability argument as
cover for "I've already got a favorite language", 
with a good chance that language is VBScript,
because Perl/TCL/Java-heads would pick on
something else.

A number of the loudmouths on c.l.py have
outlooks noticebly tinged by paranoia. The
others remind me of those who perch for
hours around the water-cooler, talking about 
how they're "working their butts off".

Other than a gap right after 1.5.2, Python
has done very well with backwards 
compatibility. There is perhaps too much
noise about new features: you guys get
(understandably) excited; the water-cooler
guys get delicious morsels to feed their
delusional tendencies.

I care not one whit what numbering
scheme is used, as long as it approximates
being well-ordered <wink>. I do think PLabs
should take the good end of the stick, and 
be the ones to apply the "stable" label. To
maintain credibility in this perception-based
framework, that probably means being a
wee bit behind. 

(I rather like Alex's idea of a stable track
and an experimental track where new
features can settle down for awhile.)

-- Gordon