[Python-Dev] xmlrpclib speed boost

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 14:47:04 -0400

[Skip Montanaro]
> ...
> Somewhere along the way, the import of the escape function from the cgi
> module got moved out of the top level into the various functions that
> call it.  Moving it back out to top level fixed that.  I just checked in
> this change and a fairly trivial test case for xmlrpclib.
> This change may be deemed not to be the correct fix as far backwards
> compatibility is concerned (it uses the "from m import x as y"
> feature which was new with 2.0 I think).

I pay no attention to "backwards compatibility" issues in the libraries we
ship, and have Guido's blessing for that ornery attitude:  the libs we ship
should do the best possible job in the context of the release they're
shipped in.  It's explicitly not a PythonLabs goal that people be able to
pick modules out of a release and use them in an earlier release (although
it may be a goal of some developers for some modules -- but then the burden
is on them to ensure it works for the module and release combinations they
care about).