[Python-Dev] RE: Program very slow to finish

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 18:49:11 -0500

Uncle Timmie:

    >> Big Hammer?  Change every one of the existing guys to resolve
    >> to malloc() and free().  Then declare them all obsolete, define
    >> a much smaller new set of names, edit the core to use the new
    >> guys, and non-core modules get stuck with malloc/free until
    >> they're rewritten too.  It sucks, but we'd be in better shape
    >> today if that *had* been done the last time this got reworked.

>>>>> "PS" == Paul Svensson <paul-python@svensson.org> writes:

    PS> +1, with the option of using a bigger hammer

PEP it for 2.3.
