[Python-Dev] Homepage

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Wed, 9 May 2001 13:47:22 -0400

> Greg Wilson's computer was infected by a virus which got propagated to
> python-dev.  Do NOT open the attachment!

Note that the same virus went out under the name of John G. Michopoulos on
the JPython (not Jython!) mailing list.

Here's detailed info on the virus (incl. simple removal instructions if you
got bit):


Doesn't appear to be worse than a nuisance.  Anyone who has used Windows
Update within the last year <wink/sigh> and installed the "critical updates"
it recommends should have gotten a popup box warning that the attachment was
trying to access the Address Book, telling you it's probably a virus, and
advising to accept the "No, don't allow this" default.

you-can-make-it-foolproof-but-not-damnedfool-proof-ly y'rs  - tim