[Python-Dev] Sourceforge FAQ

Thomas Wouters thomas@xs4all.net
Sun, 18 Mar 2001 17:49:25 +0100

On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 10:01:50AM -0500, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > What Paul means is that he's added a new file to his tree, and wants to send
> > in a patch that includes that file. Unfortunately, CVS can't do that :P You
> > have two choices:
> > 
> > - 'cvs add' the file, but don't commit. This is kinda lame since it requires
> >  commit access, and it creates the administrativia for the file already. I
> >  *think* that if you do this, only you can actually add the file (after the
> >  patch is accepted ;) but I'm not sure. After the cvs add, a cvs diff -c will
> >  show the file (as all +'es, obviously) even though it will complain to
> >  stderr about its ignorance about that specific file.

> No, cvs diff still won't diff the file -- it says "new file".

Hm, you're right. I'm sure I had it working, but it doesn't work now. Odd. I
guess Barry got hit by the same oddity (see other reply to my msg ;)

> (I have no idea what the rest of this thread is about.  Dinkytoy
> attitude???  I played with tpy cars called dinky toys, but I don't see
> the connection.  What SF FAQ are we talking about anyway?)

The thread started by Paul asking why his question wasn't in the FAQ :) As
for 'dinkytoy attitude': it's a great, wonderful toy, but you can't use it
for real. A bit harsh, I guess, but I've been hitting the CVS constraints
many times in the last two weeks. (Moving files, moving directories,
removing directories 'for real', moving between different repositories in
which some files/directories (or just their names) overlap, making diffs
with new files in them ;) etc.)

Thomas Wouters <thomas@xs4all.net>

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