Python 2.0 in Debian (was: Re: [Python-Dev] PEPS, version control, release intervals)

M.-A. Lemburg
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 23:22:23 +0100

Tim Peters wrote:
> [M.-A. Lemburg]
> > Say, what kind of clause is needed in licenses to make them explicitly
> > GPL-compatible without harming the license conditions in all other
> > cases where the GPL is not involved ?
> You can dual-license (see, e.g., Perl).

Right and it looks as if this is the only way out: either you give
people (including commercial users) more freedom in the use of
the code and add a choice-of-law clause or you restrain usage
to GPLed code and cross fingers that noone is going to sue the
hell out of you... doesn't really matter if the opponent lives
in Kingdom of Unlimited Liability or not -- the costs of finding 
out which law to apply and where to settle the dispute would already
suffice to bring the open source developer down to his/her knees.

Oh well,
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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