[Python-Dev] RE: SF changing directory structure

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Sat, 28 Apr 2001 03:48:50 -0400

[Martin v. Loewis]
> Ok, changed in CVS.

Thank you!

> Is the answer to SF-FAQ question 1.3 still correct?
> That modified files have to manually uploaded to SF?

AFAIK, yes.  I didn't write the question or the answer, though, and don't
believe I read that part of the FAQ before.  /F's pep2html.py script is used
to generate the HTML form of PEPs, and its -i (install) option never worked
for me on Windows, so I've always done that bit by hand.

Indeed, your changes didn't *show up* via the SF interface before I (just)

scp sf-faq.html \

> That answer does not mention nondist/sf-html at all...

It apparently doesn't mention a lot of things.  But I'm not going to change
it since I don't have a clear understanding of how this stuff works; I only
know what I do by hand that works in the end.