[Python-Dev] SF changing directory structure

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 15:57:12 -0400

[Martin v. Loewis]
> /home/groups/p/py/python on SourceForge; the symbolic link
> /home/groups/python will be removed shortly.

Phooey.  Thanks for the warning!  I sure didn't know about it.

> There might be still a number of files that refer to the old location,
> atleast htdocs/sf-faq.html, and perhaps crontabs. Whoever is in charge
> of these should probably update them.

Nobody is in charge:  if you know of a problem, please fix it.  All the HTML
stuff is under CVS control, and all Python project members have commit access
for it, same as for everything else in the Python source tree; it's just
under the nondist branch instead of the dist branch.