[Python-Dev] Python 2.1 PEPs

Barry A. Warsaw barry@digicool.com
Tue, 17 Apr 2001 13:06:18 -0400

>>>>> "GvR" == Guido van Rossum <guido@digicool.com> writes:

    GvR> Could we recycle this PEP number for the 2.1.1 release
    GvR> schedule (see my previous post here)?  That seems easier than
    GvR> having a new PEP for each micro-release.

PEP numbers are a plentiful resource!  I'd prefer to give it a new PEP

    >> S 227 pep-0227.txt Statically Nested Scopes Hylton

    GvR> I have promised Jeremy a bunch of updates to this.  I'll get
    GvR> on it.

Excellent, thanks.

    GvR> Superseded by pydoc, I imagine.  Working code beats ambitious
    GvR> plans every time :-)

>>>>> "PP" == Paul Prescod <paulp@ActiveState.com> writes:

    PP> Ping asked to take over the code because he wanted to do it
    PP> with Pydoc.  He didn't do the online help part. I'm not sure
    PP> if he thought I was going to do that part or if he just didn't
    PP> get to it. Either way, it is less than a weekend's work to add
    PP> pydoc to the interactive shell (and thus make it "online
    PP> help") so I can do it in the next few weeks.

    GvR> Actually, "from pydoc import help" already works; after that
    GvR> you can type "help" or "help(module)" etc.  Or is "online
    GvR> help" more than that?

So Paul, what should be done about PEP 233?  Move it to "active for
Python 2.2"?
