[Python-Dev] Re: getting at the current frame

est@hyperreal.org est@hyperreal.org
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 14:58:43 -0700 (PDT)

barry@wooz.org discourseth:
> Darn good point.  So where could we put it?  It's a useful
> introspection device.  If it goes in a separate module, should that
> perhaps be called `reflection'?  Or maybe `runtime'?  Or maybe
> "sys._getframe()" is good enough.

Hmm..I'd think `reification' instead of `reflection'.  My
understanding was that reification involves taking an implicit
language entity and making it an expressed value (e.g., getframe() or
call_with_current_continuation()) while reflection goes in the
opposite direction (e.g., eval()).

