[Python-Dev] What to choose to replace Tkinter?

Mark Hammond MarkH@ActiveState.com
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 16:48:34 +1100

> Right.  Cross-platform is very important, but so is native
> look-and-feel, and this is where (IMO) XPFE falls flat on its face.

Actually, my experience with XPFE from a look-and-feel POV has been pretty
positive.  It is true they have re-implemented most widgets rather than use
native ones, and also true that you can make these widgets look nothing
like native LAF - but generally, my experience with Mozilla and the
"classic" skin is that it is close enough that it is very hard to tell.  It
looks more like "subtle enhancements", in the same way IE provides "subtle

> seems like it could be a real winner.  If the x-platform GUI doesn't
> use native dialog boxes and filechoosers, users REALLY notice this and

Agreed.  However, XPFE works fine here IMO.

Again, I do not want to propose XPFE as viable today, and I agree it may
never be viable.  Most other critisisms posted are valid, but I don't think
that LAF is one such problem with XPFE.
