[Python-Dev] Unicode and Windows

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 11:37:53 +0100

Ok, I've just added two new parser markers to PyArg_ParseTuple()
which will hopefully make life a little easier for extension

The new code will be in the next patch set which I will release
early next week.

Here are the docs:

Internal Argument Parsing:

These markers are used by the PyArg_ParseTuple() APIs:

  "U":  Check for Unicode object and return a pointer to it

  "s":  For Unicode objects: auto convert them to the <default encoding>
        and return a pointer to the object's <defencstr> buffer.

  "s#": Access to the Unicode object via the bf_getreadbuf buffer interface 
        (see Buffer Interface); note that the length relates to the buffer
        length, not the Unicode string length (this may be different
        depending on the Internal Format).

  "t#": Access to the Unicode object via the bf_getcharbuf buffer interface
        (see Buffer Interface); note that the length relates to the buffer
        length, not necessarily to the Unicode string length (this may
        be different depending on the <default encoding>).

	Takes two parameters: encoding (const char **) and
	buffer (char **). 

	The input object is first coerced to Unicode in the usual way
	and then encoded into a string using the given encoding.

	On output, a buffer of the needed size is allocated and
	returned through *buffer as NULL-terminated string.
	The encoded may not contain embedded NULL characters.
	The caller is responsible for free()ing the allocated *buffer
	after usage.

	Takes three parameters: encoding (const char **),
	buffer (char **) and buffer_len (int *).
	The input object is first coerced to Unicode in the usual way
	and then encoded into a string using the given encoding.

	If *buffer is non-NULL, *buffer_len must be set to sizeof(buffer)
	on input. Output is then copied to *buffer.

	If *buffer is NULL, a buffer of the needed size is
	allocated and output copied into it. *buffer is then
	updated to point to the allocated memory area. The caller
	is responsible for free()ing *buffer after usage.

	In both cases *buffer_len is updated to the number of
	characters written (excluding the trailing NULL-byte).
	The output buffer is assured to be NULL-terminated.


Using "es#" with auto-allocation:

    static PyObject *
    test_parser(PyObject *self,
		PyObject *args)
	PyObject *str;
	const char *encoding = "latin-1";
	char *buffer = NULL;
	int buffer_len = 0;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "es#:test_parser",
			      &encoding, &buffer, &buffer_len))
	    return NULL;
	if (!buffer) {
			    "buffer is NULL");
	    return NULL;
	str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(buffer, buffer_len);
	return str;

Using "es" with auto-allocation returning a NULL-terminated string:    
    static PyObject *
    test_parser(PyObject *self,
		PyObject *args)
	PyObject *str;
	const char *encoding = "latin-1";
	char *buffer = NULL;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "es:test_parser",
			      &encoding, &buffer))
	    return NULL;
	if (!buffer) {
			    "buffer is NULL");
	    return NULL;
	str = PyString_FromString(buffer);
	return str;

Using "es#" with a pre-allocated buffer:
    static PyObject *
    test_parser(PyObject *self,
		PyObject *args)
	PyObject *str;
	const char *encoding = "latin-1";
	char _buffer[10];
	char *buffer = _buffer;
	int buffer_len = sizeof(_buffer);

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "es#:test_parser",
			      &encoding, &buffer, &buffer_len))
	    return NULL;
	if (!buffer) {
			    "buffer is NULL");
	    return NULL;
	str = PyString_FromStringAndSize(buffer, buffer_len);
	return str;

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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