[Python-Dev] HTMLgen-style interface to SQL?

gvwilson@nevex.com gvwilson@nevex.com
Sat, 4 Mar 2000 11:46:24 -0500 (EST)

[short form]

I'm looking for an object-oriented toolkit that will do for SQL what
Perl's CGI.pm module, or Python's HTMLgen, does for HTML.  Pointers,
examples, or expressions of interest would be welcome.

[long form]

Lincoln Stein's CGI.pm module for Perl allows me to build HTML in an
object-oriented way, instead of getting caught in the Turing tarpit of
string substitution and printf. DOM does the same (in a variety of
languages) for XML.

Right now, if I want to interact with an SQL database from Perl or Python,
I have to embed SQL strings in my programs. I would like to have a
DOM-like ability to build and manipulate queries as objects, then call a
method that translate the query structure into SQL to send to the
database. Alternatively, if there is an XML DTD for SQL (how's that for a
chain of TLAs?), and some tool to convert the XML/SQL to pure SQL, so that
I could build my query using DOM, that would be cool too.


Greg Wilson