[Python-Dev] Re: sourceforge data (was: Let's use the SourceForge Patch Manager)

Fredrik Lundh Fredrik Lundh" <effbot@telia.com
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 20:18:26 +0200

greg wrote:
> > on the other hand, lots of people thought that dejanews
> > would store usenet postings forever...
> Different problem space. They weren't holding people's data.

well, they dropped a few thousand eff-bot postings ;-)

> Worrying about it is a useless exercise, IMO.

well, I'm not worried.  but in the internet universe, strange
things happen all the time...

(checked out http://www.fuckedcompany.com/ lately?)


btw, has anyone checked what's in:

(with ping times somewhere around one second, it's too
large for me to check out...)
