[Python-Dev] Fwd: Re: Linux/NT python startup speed

Neil Schemenauer nascheme@enme.ucalgary.ca
Fri, 23 Jun 2000 14:11:03 -0600

Has this been addressed yet for 1.6?  It is probably an easy fix.
The original poster claimed it took 4 seconds to start Python on
his machine.


----- Forwarded message from Johannes Stezenbach <yawyi@gmx.de> -----

Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 15:03:01 +0200
From: yawyi@gmx.de (Johannes Stezenbach)
Subject: Re: Linux/NT python startup speed

Niklas Frykholm <r2d2@mao.acc.umu.se> wrote:
>Can someone explain this difference. (The processor on the Linux system is
>certainly not 40 times faster.)

This was discussed here a few months ago. The reason for the slow
startup is the winsound module (source: PC/winsound.c) which is
unnecessarily a builtin.  winsound causes Python to load the
Windows multimedia DLLs, which can be slow if your sound drivers
make it so.

Two solutions were discussed:
a) make winsound a .pyd
b) use some obscure "delayload" feature of the M$ linker. There
   is a ready to use python15.dll for Python 1.5.2 with this
   feature somewhere out there (I don't remember where, though,
   since I use Linux now)

IMHO solution a) should be standard in Python 1.6 (it isn't in


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