[Python-Dev] RFC: Including PIL in 1.6

Skip Montanaro skip@mojam.com (Skip Montanaro)
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 14:33:20 -0500 (CDT)

    Guido> I just had to go through that process.  It was actually rather
    Guido> painful ...

I will echo that sentiment.  Actually, the first time I upgraded to the
package stuff it went without a hitch.  The next time it took me awhile to
figure out why it didn't work.

I imagine it's just teething pain that will get worked out as the XEmacs
folks get more experience themselves, but auto-package install is definitely
something that would have to be pretty bulletproof.  I doubt the average
Python user will have a similar level of computer savvy as the average
XEmacs user.

On top of that, how will you know that you want package X until you download
it and try it out?  I presume that carried to its logical conclusion, a
package's documentation would be installed along with its source...

chicken-and-egg-ly y'rs,

Skip Montanaro, skip@mojam.com, http://www.mojam.com/, http://www.musi-cal.com/
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