[Python-Dev] Towards selective compilation to native code?

Christopher Petrilli petrilli@amber.org
Sun, 18 Jun 2000 14:50:22 -0400

Vladimir Marangozov [Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr] wrote:
> Of course, this is Java and there's static typing in there, but it
> would be interesting to see whether Python can steal something from these
> ideas. For instance, I'm trying to foresee what kind of static typing
> (i.e. how much static info) would be appropriate in Python from this
> point of view but I fail to obtain any realistic image :).
> I see most parts of the dyn loading / late binding aspect though --
> they are typical for Python.

One might take a look at Smalltalk/X which compiles into C, and has a
pretty (ney very) high performance reputation.  There are some other
Smalltalk implementations taht do this as well.  This would be closer
I think to what Python would use than Java will be.  

| Christopher Petrilli
| petrilli@amber.org