[Python-Dev] Package ambiguities

Gordon McMillan gmcm@hypernet.com
Wed, 7 Jun 2000 19:47:47 -0400

Ka-Ping wrote:

> ... In short:
>     from parent import *    ...  Parent             doesn't work
>     import parent           ...  parent.Parent      doesn't work
>     from A.parent import *  ...  Parent             works
>     import A.parent         ...  A.parent.Parent    works

Right. That's why I cast relative imports as evil.

> This problem is an "advanced" version of a simpler issue
> which a friend of mine discovered and complained about
> recently to me: the __main__ vs. module-name conflict.

This comes up a whole lot. In those periods where I have the 
time, energy and patience to monitor c.l.py closely, I've seen 
this come up 4 or 5 times in one week. Almost always in 
conjunction with import *.

I can live with explaining how __main__ is special. That's one 
of those "you only have to explain it once" problems.

But the import * problems (name hiding, the fact that 
assignments aren't seen) and relative imports are things that 
come up over and over again, and trip up even experienced 
people (and them more than once).

- Gordon