[Python-Dev] RE: ANSI-fication (was: RE: [Patches] fix simple 64-bit warnings/errorsin signalmodule.c and bufferobject.c)

Tim Peters tim_one@email.msn.com
Tue, 6 Jun 2000 17:00:33 -0400

[Greg Stein]
> Euh... I thought Guido was entirely supportive of ANSI-fying the source.
> Something like changing from K&R functions over to ANSI declarations is
> "brain-dead" that should not introduce errors. ...

He'll be less & less in favor of it when it hits home how time-consuming and
massive the changes will be.  They won't be viewed as "a feature" to BeOpen,
so BeOpen will give him grief about it too.  Etc.  I've fought the same
stinking infrastructure battles for 20+ years, and don't expect that having
a new boss will make any material difference to that <0.7 wink>.  Testing is
expensive, robustness is expensive, portability is expensive (and C doesn't
help!  honest to God, it's much worse than Fortran for portability).

> Going through and revamping the protoypes (e.g. PyString_FromStringAndSize
> to now use size_t) is a bit different, though...
> I shouldn't think Guido would be upset about prototypes.

Nobody should get upset about *having* them, it's getting them done that
takes away from getting everything else done.  That's why every project I've
ever seen puts it off year after year.  Note that if Guido valued this
*highly*, it would already have been done.

been-there-done-that-been-there-done-that-been-there-done-that-ly y'rs  -