[Python-Dev] Revised 1.6 jobs list

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Sat, 03 Jun 2000 11:55:26 +0200

Andrew Kuchling wrote:
> I've slightly revised the 1.6 jobs list
> at http://www.python.net/crew/amk/python/1.6-jobs.html .
> Things still on the TODO list, maybe:
> Import hooks revamp (or is this a post-1.6 thing?)
> Update the documentation to match 1.6 changes.
> Document more undocumented modules (goes without saying, really...) : codecs,
>         unicodedata, mmap, pyexpat, curses, regrtest.

I would appreciate some help with codec and unicodedata.
codec.py has quite a bit of __doc__ string documentation
which can be used more or less directly for the TeX docs.

> Unicode: Compress the size of unicodedatabase

Christian was working on this one, but I never got the
patches ... Chris ?

> Unicode: Write \N{SMILEY} codec for Unicode (Bill Tutt has a patch)

I wonder why that patch hasn't been accepted yet -- I guess
the patches list needs some more people willing to review things
and of course people with check in permissions.

I would volunteer to handle the above for the Unicode parts
of the distribution if someone would explain to me how to
checkin new code into SourceForge CVS.

> Unicode: the various XXX itemsin Misc/unicode.txt (or are they done?)

Hmm, there are no XXX markings left in my version of that
file -- perhaps I've missed adding it to the patch sets...

Anyway, the file will have to undergo some rewrite now that
the default encoding strategy has changed. I'll fix that next

> Delete obsolete subdirectories in Demo/ directory
> Refurbish Demo subdirectories to be properly documented, match modern coding
>         style, etc.
> Fix ./ld_so_aix installation problem on AIX
> Make test.regrtest.py more usable outside of thePython test suite
> Conservative garbage collection of cycles (maybe -- I don't know what GvR
>         thinks about this)
> Changes to PyExpat module
> Test the hell out of SRE
> The end of coding may be in sight, leaving only the job of documenting
> everything new.  I'm getting kind of worried about the lengthening backlog
> of patches, though; maybe next week we can start cutting it down? (Quick,
> while Guido's away, everyone come up with new keywords and check them in!)


Still, you've got a point there: Trent's patches are getting
piled up and due to the fact that they touch many different
parts of the code, they are likely to get in the way of other

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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Python Pages:                           http://www.lemburg.com/python/