[Python-Dev] Revised 1.6 jobs list

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin@mems-exchange.org
Fri, 2 Jun 2000 23:25:21 -0400

I've slightly revised the 1.6 jobs list
at http://www.python.net/crew/amk/python/1.6-jobs.html .
Things still on the TODO list, maybe:

Import hooks revamp (or is this a post-1.6 thing?) 
Update the documentation to match 1.6 changes. 
Document more undocumented modules (goes without saying, really...) : codecs,
	unicodedata, mmap, pyexpat, curses, regrtest. 
Unicode: Compress the size of unicodedatabase 
Unicode: Write \N{SMILEY} codec for Unicode (Bill Tutt has a patch)
Unicode: the various XXX itemsin Misc/unicode.txt (or are they done?)
Delete obsolete subdirectories in Demo/ directory 
Refurbish Demo subdirectories to be properly documented, match modern coding
	style, etc. 
Fix ./ld_so_aix installation problem on AIX 
Make test.regrtest.py more usable outside of thePython test suite 
Conservative garbage collection of cycles (maybe -- I don't know what GvR
	thinks about this)
Changes to PyExpat module
Test the hell out of SRE

The end of coding may be in sight, leaving only the job of documenting
everything new.  I'm getting kind of worried about the lengthening backlog
of patches, though; maybe next week we can start cutting it down? (Quick,
while Guido's away, everyone come up with new keywords and check them in!)
