[Python-Dev] Re: [Patches] Translating doc strings

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@python.org
Fri, 2 Jun 2000 09:37:42 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "MvL" == Martin von Loewis <loewis@informatik.hu-berlin.de> writes:

    MvL> No, I plan to use the Python gettext module, which is
    MvL> currently being integrated into Python. It will either use
    MvL> the system's gettext library, or read mo files using pure
    MvL> Python.

pygettext is in Tools/i18n, and I've been working with James
Henstridge and Peter Funk on getting a standard gettext module
integrated into the core.  A few other things have bumped that down on
my list, but it's still there.

We'll still need xgettext to scan the C code.  Also, marking Python
module docstrings is a bit problematic.  I've resorted to Something
Really Ugly:

-------------------- snip snip --------------------
    import fintl
    _ = fintl.gettext
except ImportError:
    def _(s): return s

__doc__ = _("""pygettext -- Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
-------------------- snip snip --------------------

