[Python-Dev] PEP 201 - Parallel iteration

Paul Prescod paul@prescod.net
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 11:10:34 -0500

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> ...
> I've been thinking a little bit about the other generators, especially
> irange().  I wonder if we shouldn't just be putting zip() and friends
> in their own Python module and not make them builtins?

I prefer builtins (or in some cases methods) for this type of slice and
dice functionality. It's not related to some particular datatype or 

 Paul Prescod - Not encumbered by corporate consensus
Just how compassionate can a Republican get before he has to leave the 
GOP and join Vegans for Global Justice? ... One moment, George W. Bush
is holding a get-to-know-you meeting with a bunch of gay Republicans.
The next he is holding forth on education or the environment ... It is
enough to make a red-blooded conservative choke on his spotted-owl
drumstick.     - April 29th, Economist