[Python-Dev] Sourceforge Interface Concerns

Greg Stein gstein@lyra.org
Mon, 10 Jul 2000 14:29:54 -0700

On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 05:20:04PM -0400, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> Greg Stein writes:
>  > bah. just file feature requests for them to use ViewCVS. cvsweb is a piece
>  > of crap anyways :-)
>   I've heard you say this before, but I've never had any problems with
> cvsweb.  The display seems fine and I've never missed a feature.  If
> you're being serious and not just plugging your own code, you need to
> be specific about the problems, and how ViewCVS is better.

From the ViewCVS web page:
- colorization of files
- Bonsai-like query facilities
- Annotation/blame support against read-only repositories
- per-virtual-host configuration
- some bug fixes / robustness

>   The problem with had with ViewCVS at python.org was the use of a
> single file for the script; parsing the whole thing for every run was
> just too slow.  Part of that is the machine, part was configuration,
> and part was an overly high cost to the convenient installation.  The
> last of those is in your court (possibly fixed by a more recent
> version; I don't know).

Yup. Known issue. The installation process is getting a bit more complicated
now that we have Bonsai functionality in there, too. As a result, I'm going
to be fixing the parse/compile time issue.

And note that it was also your box, in a big way. I haven't experienced it
on my own box or on apache.org. But that doesn't excuse the parse/compile
step that is caused by the one-big-script thing.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/