[Python-Dev] RE: [Python-checkins] CVS: python/dist/src/Objects unicodeobject. c,2.33,2.34

Bill Tutt billtut@microsoft.com
Thu, 6 Jul 2000 01:53:47 -0700

! 	if (c1 > (1<<11) * 26)
! 	    c1 += utf16Fixup[c1>>11];
! 	if (c2 > (1<<11) * 26)
!             c2 += utf16Fixup[c2>>11];


This change from the patch is kind of silly. You've made the code flow more
complicated for no particularly good reason, esp. considering the size of
utf16Fixup[]. That is, the cost in the CPU of handling the branch prediction
is likely to be much higher than the array lookup for every character.
