[Python-Dev] Python 1.6 timing (fwd)

Tim Peters tim_one@email.msn.com
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 18:53:18 -0500

[Greg Wilson]
> There's also been questions about tighter integration
> of NumPy (e.g. overloading operators rather than
> calling 'greater()' to do comparison), but I think
? that's a separate discussion...

[David Ascher]
> That's the rich comparison proposal which Guido mentioned.

But there's also been talk about moving (at least) the basic NumPy array
type into the core.  This would be a Good Thing.  Speaking for my employer,
however, only Unicode is an Important Thing <wink>.

As a developer, I have railed against schedule-driven release cycles.
Python tends toward the opposite end of that spectrum, driven by features no
matter how bloody long they take.  Add Unicode to what's already waiting to
go, and that's *good enough* reason for a major release; heck, it's been 9
months & we haven't even had a  1.5.2 bugfix patch.

BTW, do the Perl-Porters have real jobs?

    release-every-three-days<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim