Python 2 namespace change? (was Re: [Python-Dev] Changing existing

Vladimir Marangozov
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 19:41:03 +0100 (CET)

[Chris comes to my rescue on Jim's namespace idea]

Christian Tismer wrote:
> Naming it different than before, I think this formulation
> hits the nail on its top:
> Jim proposes a construction that yields early binding of
> names, while late binding of values.

Ahaa. Got it. Thank you Chris!

So naming is the same. Binding and name resolution are different.
This is certainly a valuable idea in some foreseeble situations
(like the globals pre-binding for a code object you're describing
 -- sort of a cache/array for globals, with initially invalidated entries).

But the problem is that this indirection has so much power in it, that
generalizing it to all namespaces seems to hide all kinds of surprises.
I'm not in a position even to figure out what the implications could be
(it smells "out of bounds"), but it certainly needs more digging.

I suspect that if it turns out that these intermediate contexts
cannot be generalized, their implementation may be compromised for
the few identified cases where they are expected to be useful.

> hoping it was clear enough - ciao - chris

Yes, but embracing it all is still a "so-so"...

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252