[Python-Dev] fuzzy logic?

Michael Hudson mwh21@cam.ac.uk
14 Dec 2000 13:58:24 +0000

1) Is there anything is the standard library that does the equivalent

import symbol,token

def decode_ast(ast):
    if token.ISTERMINAL(ast[0]):
        return (token.tok_name[ast[0]], ast[1])
        return (symbol.sym_name[ast[0]],)+tuple(map(decode_ast,ast[1:]))

  so that, eg:

>>> pprint.pprint(decode.decode_ast(parser.expr("0").totuple()))
            ('factor', ('power', ('atom', ('NUMBER', '0'))))))))))))))),
 ('NEWLINE', ''),
 ('ENDMARKER', ''))

  ?  Should there be?  (Especially if it was a bit better written).

... and Greg's just said everything else I wanted to!


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  years old.  collectively, the community has already been where 
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