[Python-Dev] Re: If you thought there were too many PEPs...

Greg Wilson gvwilson@nevex.com
Fri, 25 Aug 2000 14:30:53 -0400 (EDT)

> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Greg Ward wrote:
> >         The number of [4]Perl 6 RFCs hit 161 today...
> >         New [8]Perl 6 mailing lists include perl6-language- sublists
> >         objects, datetime, errors, data, and regex. perl6-bootstrap is
> >         being closed, and perl6-meta is taking its place (the subscriber
> >         list will not be transferred).

I've heard from several different sources that when Guy Steele Jr was
hired by Sun to help define the Java language standard, his first proposal
was that the length of the standard be fixed --- anyone who wanted to add
a new feature had to identify an existing feature that would be removed
from the language to make room.  Everyone said, "That's so cool --- but of
course we can't do it..."

Think how much simpler Java would be today if...

