[Python-Dev] BSDDB 3 module now somewhat functional

Eric S. Raymond esr@thyrsus.com
Sat, 19 Aug 2000 17:37:27 -0400

A.M. Kuchling <amk@s222.tnt1.ann.va.dialup.rcn.com>:
> The handwritten BSDDB3 module has just started actually functioning.
> It now runs the dbtest.py script without core dumps or reported
> errors.  Code is at ftp://starship.python.net/pub/crew/amk/new/ ; grab
> db.py and the most recent _bsddb.c.

I see I wasn't on the explicit addressee list.  But if you can get any good
use out of another pair of hands, I'm willing.

> I started from Greg Smith's 3.1.x port of Robin Dunn's module.  You'll
> have to struggle a bit with integrating it into Greg's package and
> compiling it (replacing db.py with my version, and modifying Setup to
> compile _bsddb.c).  I haven't integrated it more, because I'm not sure
> how we want to proceed with it.  Robin/Greg, do you want to continue
> to maintain the package?  ...in which I'll contribute the code to one
> or both of you.  Or, I can take over maintaining the package, or we
> can try to get the module into Python 2.0, but with the feature freeze
> well advanced, I'm doubtful that it'll get in.

I'm +1 for slipping this one in under the wire, if it matters.

I'm not just randomly pushing a feature here -- I think the multiple-reader/
one-writer atomicity guarantees this will give us will be extremely important
for CGI programmers, who often need a light-duty database facility with exactly
this kind of concurrency guarantee.
		<a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr">Eric S. Raymond</a>

The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their
possession any swords, short swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other types
of arms. The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the
collection of taxes and dues and tends to foment uprisings.
        -- Toyotomi Hideyoshi, dictator of Japan, August 1588