[Python-Dev] Introducing memprof (was PyErr_NoMemory)

Vladimir Marangozov Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr
Fri, 18 Aug 2000 21:09:48 +0200 (CEST)

[Tim, on PyErr_NoMemory]
> Looks good to me.  And if it breaks something, it will be darned hard to
> tell <wink>.

It's easily demonstrated with the memprof.c module I'd like to introduce
quickly here.

Note: I'll be out of town next week and if someone wants to
play with this, tell me what to do quickly: upload a (postponed) patch
which goes in pair with obmalloc.c, put it in a web page or remain quiet.

The object allocator is well tested, the memory profiler is not so
thouroughly tested... The interface needs more work IMHO, but it's
already quite useful and fun in it's current state <wink>.


~/python/dev>python -p
Python 2.0b1 (#9, Aug 18 2000, 20:11:29)  [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
Copyright 1995-2000 Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
>>> # Note the -p option -- it starts any available profilers through
... # a newly introduced Py_ProfileFlag. Otherwise you'll get funny results
... # if you start memprof in the middle of an execution
>>> import memprof
>>> memprof.__doc__
'This module provides access to the Python memory profiler.'
>>> dir(memprof)
['ALIGNMENT', 'ERROR_ABORT', 'ERROR_IGNORE', 'ERROR_RAISE', 'ERROR_REPORT', 'ERROR_STOP', 'MEM_CORE', 'MEM_OBCLASS', 'MEM_OBJECT', '__doc__', '__name__', 'geterrlevel', 'getpbo', 'getprofile', 'getthreshold', 'isprofiling', 'seterrlevel', 'setpbo', 'setproftype', 'setthreshold', 'start', 'stop']
>>> memprof.isprofiling()
>>> # It's running -- cool. We're now ready to get the current memory profile
>>> print memprof.getprofile.__doc__
getprofile([type]) -> object

Return a snapshot of the current memory profile of the interpreter.
An optional type argument may be provided to request the profile of
a specific memory layer. It must be one of the following constants:

        MEM_CORE    - layer 1: Python core memory
        MEM_OBJECT  - layer 2: Python object memory
        MEM_OBCLASS - layer 3: Python object-specific memory 

If a type argument is not specified, the default profile is returned.
The default profile type can be set with the setproftype() function.
>>> mp = memprof.getprofile()
>>> mp
<global memory profile, layer 2, detailed in 33 block size classes>
>>> # now see how much mem we're using, it's a 3 tuple
... # (requested mem, minimum allocated mem, estimated mem)
>>> mp.memory
(135038, 142448, 164792)
>>> mp.peakmemory
(137221, 144640, 167032)
>>> # indeed, peak values are important. Now let's see what this gives in
... # terms of memory blocks
>>> mp.blocks
(2793, 2793)
>>> mp.peakblocks
(2799, 2799)
>>> # Again this is a 2-tuple (requested blocks, allocated blocks)
... # Now let's see the stats of the calls to the allocator.
>>> mp.malloc
(4937, 0, 0)
>>> mp.calloc
(0, 0, 0)
>>> mp.realloc
(43, 0, 0)
>>> mp.free
(2144, 0, 0)
>>> # A 3-tuple (nb of calls, nb of errors, nb of warnings by memprof)
... #
... # Good. Now let's see the memory profile detailed by size classes
... they're memory profile objects too, similar to the global profile:
>>> mp.sizeclass[0]
<size class memory profile, layer 2, block size range [1..8]>
>>> mp.sizeclass[1]
<size class memory profile, layer 2, block size range [9..16]>
>>> mp.sizeclass[2]
<size class memory profile, layer 2, block size range [17..24]>
>>> len(mp.sizeclass)
>>> mp.sizeclass[-1]
<size class memory profile, layer 2, block size range [257..-1]>
>>> # The last one is for big blocks: 257 bytes and up.
... # Now let's see ithe detailed memory picture:
>>> for s in mp.sizeclass:                                                     
...     print "%.2d - " % s.sizeclass, "%8d %8d %8d" % s.memory
00 -         0        0        0
01 -      3696     3776     5664
02 -       116      120      160
03 -     31670    34464    43080
04 -     30015    32480    38976
05 -     10736    11760    13720
06 -     10846    11200    12800
07 -      2664     2816     3168
08 -      1539     1584     1760
09 -      1000     1040     1144
10 -      2048     2112     2304
11 -      1206     1248     1352
12 -       598      624      672
13 -       109      112      120
14 -       575      600      640
15 -       751      768      816
16 -       407      408      432
17 -       144      144      152
18 -       298      304      320
19 -       466      480      504
20 -       656      672      704
21 -       349      352      368
22 -       542      552      576
23 -       188      192      200
24 -       392      400      416
25 -       404      416      432
26 -       640      648      672
27 -       441      448      464
28 -         0        0        0
29 -       236      240      248
30 -       491      496      512
31 -       501      512      528
32 -     31314    31480    31888
>>> for s in mp.sizeclass:
...     print "%.2d - " % s.sizeclass, "%8d %8d" % s.blocks
00 -         0        0
01 -       236      236
02 -         5        5
03 -      1077     1077
04 -       812      812
05 -       245      245
06 -       200      200
07 -        44       44
08 -        22       22
09 -        13       13
10 -        24       24
11 -        13       13
12 -         6        6
13 -         1        1
14 -         5        5
15 -         6        6
16 -         3        3
17 -         1        1
18 -         2        2
19 -         3        3
20 -         4        4
21 -         2        2
22 -         3        3
23 -         1        1
24 -         2        2
25 -         2        2
26 -         3        3
27 -         2        2
28 -         0        0
29 -         1        1
30 -         2        2
31 -         2        2
32 -        51       51
>>> # Note that just started the interpreter and analysed it's initial
... # memory profile. You can repeat this game at any point of time,
... # look at the stats and enjoy a builtin memory profiler.
... #
... # Okay, now to the point on PyErr_NoMemory: but we need to restart
... # Python without "-p"
Python 2.0b1 (#9, Aug 18 2000, 20:11:29)  [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)] on linux2
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
Copyright 1995-2000 Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI)
>>> import memprof
>>> memprof.isprofiling()
>>> memprof.start()
memprof: freeing unknown block (0x40185e60)
memprof: freeing unknown block (0x40175098)
memprof: freeing unknown block (0x40179288)
>>> # See? We're freeing unknown blocks for memprof.
... # Okay, enough. See the docs for more:
>>> print memprof.seterrlevel.__doc__
seterrlevel(flags) -> None

Set the error level of the profiler. The provided argument instructs the
profiler on how tolerant it should be against any detected simple errors
or memory corruption. The following non-exclusive values are recognized:

    ERROR_IGNORE - ignore silently any detected errors
    ERROR_REPORT - report all detected errors to stderr
    ERROR_STOP   - stop the profiler on the first detected error
    ERROR_RAISE  - raise a MemoryError exception for all detected errors
    ERROR_ABORT  - report the first error as fatal and abort immediately

The default error level is ERROR_REPORT.
>>> # So here's you're PyErr_NoMemory effect:
>>> memprof.seterrlevel(memprof.ERROR_REPORT | memprof.ERROR_RAISE)
>>> import test.regrtest
memprof: resizing unknown block (0x82111b0)
memprof: raised MemoryError.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "./Lib/test/regrtest.py", line 39, in ?
    import random
  File "./Lib/random.py", line 23, in ?
    import whrandom
  File "./Lib/whrandom.py", line 40, in ?
    class whrandom:
MemoryError: memprof: resizing unknown block (0x82111b0)
>>> # Okay, gotta run. There are no docs for the moment. Just the source
... and function docs. (and to avoid another exception...)
>>> memprof.seterrlevel(memprof.ERROR_IGNORE)
>>> for i in dir(memprof):
...     x = memprof.__dict__[i]
...     if hasattr(x, "__doc__"):
...             print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [%s]" % i
...             print x.__doc__
...             print '='*70
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [geterrlevel]
geterrlevel() -> errflags

Get the current error level of the profiler.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [getpbo]
getpbo() -> int

Return the fixed per block overhead (pbo) used for estimations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [getprofile]
getprofile([type]) -> object

Return a snapshot of the current memory profile of the interpreter.
An optional type argument may be provided to request the profile of
a specific memory layer. It must be one of the following constants:

        MEM_CORE    - layer 1: Python core memory
        MEM_OBJECT  - layer 2: Python object memory
        MEM_OBCLASS - layer 3: Python object-specific memory 

If a type argument is not specified, the default profile is returned.
The default profile type can be set with the setproftype() function.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [getthreshold]
getthreshold() -> int

Return the size threshold (in bytes) between small and big blocks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [isprofiling]
isprofiling() -> 1 if profiling is currently in progress, 0 otherwise.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [seterrlevel]
seterrlevel(flags) -> None

Set the error level of the profiler. The provided argument instructs the
profiler on how tolerant it should be against any detected simple errors
or memory corruption. The following non-exclusive values are recognized:

    ERROR_IGNORE - ignore silently any detected errors
    ERROR_REPORT - report all detected errors to stderr
    ERROR_STOP   - stop the profiler on the first detected error
    ERROR_RAISE  - raise a MemoryError exception for all detected errors
    ERROR_ABORT  - report the first error as fatal and abort immediately

The default error level is ERROR_REPORT.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [setpbo]
setpbo(int) -> None

Set the fixed per block overhead (pbo) used for estimations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [setproftype]
setproftype(type) -> None

Set the default profile type returned by getprofile() without arguments.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [setthreshold]
setthreshold(int) -> None

Set the size threshold (in bytes) between small and big blocks.
The maximum is 256. The argument is rounded up to the ALIGNMENT.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [start]
start() -> None

Start the profiler. If it has been started, this function has no effect.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [stop]
stop() -> None

Stop the profiler. If it has been stopped, this function has no effect.

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr
http://sirac.inrialpes.fr/~marangoz | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252