[Python-Dev] Re: os.path.commonprefix breakage

Gordon McMillan gmcm@hypernet.com
Fri, 18 Aug 2000 09:28:00 -0400

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

> ... just look at what your browser does
> when you request http://www.python.org/search ... the server
> redirects you to search/ to make sure that the links embedded in
> the page are relative to search/ and not www.python.org/.

While that seems to be what Apache does, I get 40x's from 
IIS and Netscape server. Greg Ewing's demonstrated a Unix 
where the trailing slash indicates nothing useful, Tim's 
demonstrated that Windows gets confused by a trailing slash 
unless we're talking about the root directory on a drive (and 
BTW, same results if you use backslash).

On WIndows, os.path.commonprefix doesn't use normcase 
and normpath, so it's completely useless anyway. (That is, it's 
really a "string" function and has nothing to do with paths).

- Gordon