[Python-Dev] list comprehensions

Tim Peters tim_one@email.msn.com
Sat, 12 Aug 2000 02:29:42 -0400

[Skip Montanaro]
> I believe the latest update to the list comprehensions patch by Ping
> resolved the last concert the BDFL(*) had.  As the owner of the
> patch is it my responsibility to check it in or do I need to assign
> it to Guido for final dispensation.

As the owner of the listcomp PEP, I both admonish you to wait until the PEP
is complete, and secretly encourage you to check it in anyway (unlike most
PEPs, this one is pre-approved no matter what I write <0.5 wink> -- better
to get the code out there now!  if anything changes due to the PEP, should
be easy to twiddle).

acting-responsibly-despite-appearances-ly y'rs  - tim