[Python-Dev] *.dsp and *.dsw are treated by CVS as binary. Why?

Trent Mick trentm@ActiveState.com
Fri, 11 Aug 2000 14:30:31 -0700

These files (PCbuild/*.dsw PCbuild/*.dsp) are just normal text files. Why,
then, do we treat them as binary files.

Would it not be preferable to have those files be handled like a normal text
files, i.e. check it out on Unix and it uses Unix line terminators, check it
out on Windows and it uses DOS line terminators.

This way you are using the native line terminator format and text processing
tools you use on them a less likely to screw them up. (Anyone see my

Does anybody see any problems treating them as text files? And, if not, who
knows how to get rid of the '-kb' sticky tag on those files.


Trent Mick