[Python-Dev] Re: Python 2.0 and Stackless

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@beopen.com
Sun, 6 Aug 2000 11:49:07 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "CT" == Christian Tismer <tismer@appliedbiometrics.com> writes:

    CT> Still, I can't see the point with Java. There are enough C
    CT> extension which are not available for JPython, but it is
    CT> allowed to use them. Same with the continuationmodule, why
    CT> does it need to exist for Java, in order to allow it for
    CT> CPython?  This is like not implementing new browser features
    CT> until they can be implemented on my WAP handy. Sonsense.

It's okay if there are some peripheral modules that are available to
CPython but not JPython (include Python .NET here too), and vice
versa.  That'll just be the nature of things.  But whatever basic
language features Stackless allows one to do /from Python/ must be
documented.  That's the only way we'll be able to one of these things:

- support the feature a different way in a different implementation
- agree that the feature is part of the Python language definition,
  but possibly not (yet) supported by all implementations.
- define the feature as implementation dependent (so people writing
  portable code know to avoid those features).
