[Python-Dev] CVS headaches / Subversion reminder

Greg Wilson gvwilson@nevex.com
Wed, 2 Aug 2000 09:22:01 -0400 (EDT)

Those of you who are having troubles with (or have complaints about) CVS
on SourceForge might want to check out Subversion, a "better CVS" being
developed as part of Tigris:


Jason Robbins (project manager, jrobbins@collab.net) told me in Monterey
that they are still interested in feature requests, alternatives, etc.
There may still be room to add features like showing the full patch during
checkin (as per Thomas Wouters' earlier mail).


p.s. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who's ever re-written a
medium-sized (40,000 lines) C app in Python --- how did you decide how
much of the structure to keep, and how much to re-think, etc.  Please mail
me directly to conserve bandwidth; I'll post a summary if there's enough