[Python-Dev] comp.lang.python.announce

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@cnri.reston.va.us
Tue, 18 Apr 2000 12:58:54 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "GvR" == Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> writes:

  GvR> I vote to get more moderators for the newsgroup.  

That seems like the simplest mechanism.  We just need volunteers (I am
one), and we need to get Marcus to notify the Usenet powers-that-be of
the new moderators.

  GvR> If Marcus and Gandalf don't moderate quickly the community can
  GvR> oust them. 

A painful process.  Vladimir/Gandalf seems to have disappeared
completely.  (The original message in this thread bounced when I sent
it to him.)  The only way to add new moderators without Marcus's help
is to have a new RFD/CFV process.  It would be like creating the
newsgroup all over again, except we'd have to convince the moderator
of news.announce.newsgroups that the current moderator was unfit
