Re[Python-Dev] #pragmas in Python source code

Mark Hammond
Sat, 15 Apr 2000 11:45:27 +1000

I can see the dilemma, but...

> Maybe we should consider being more conservative, and
> just having the
> Unicode built-in type, the unicode() built-in function,
> and the u"..."
> notation, and then leaving all responsibility for
> conversions up to
> the user.

Win32 and COM has been doing exactly this for the last couple of
years.  And it sucked.

>  On the other hand, *some* default conversion
> seems needed,
> because it seems draconian to make open(u"abcfile") fail with a
> TypeError.

For exactly this reason.  The end result is that the first thing you
ever do with a Unicode object is convert it to a string.

> (While I want to see Python 1.6 expedited, I'd also not
> like to see it
> saddled with a system that proves to have been a mistake, or one
> that's a maintenance burden.  If forced to choose between
> delaying and
> getting it right, the latter wins.)

Agreed.  I thought this implementation stemmed from Guido's desire
to do it this way in the 1.x family, and move towards Fredrik's
proposal for Py3k.

As a geneal comment:

Im a little confused and dissapointed here.  We are all bickering
like children while our parents are away.  All we are doing is
creating a _huge_ pile of garbage for Guido to ignore when he

We are going to be presenting Guido with around 400 messages at my
estimate.  He can't possibly read them all.  So the end result is
that all the posturing and flapping going on here is for naught, and
he is just going to do whatever he wants anyway - as he always has
done, and as has worked so well for Python.

Sheesh - we should all consider how we can be the most effective,
not the most loud or aggressive!
