[Python-Dev] Object customization (was: Arbitrary attributes on funcs and methods)

Gordon McMillan gmcm@hypernet.com
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 12:32:42 -0400

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> -1 on static function variables implemented as
> attributes on function or method objects.
> def eff():
>     "eff"
>     print "eff", eff.__doc__
> def bot():
>     "bot"
>     print "bot", bot.__doc__
> eff()
> bot()
> eff, bot = bot, eff
> eff()
> bot()
> # or did your latest patch solve this little dilemma?
> # if so, -1 on your patch ;-)

To belabor the obvious (existing Python allows obsfuction), I 

class eff:
  def __call__(self):
    print "eff", eff.__doc__
class bot:
  def __call__(self):
    print "bot", bot.__doc__
e = eff()
b = bot()

eff, bot = bot, eff
e = eff()
b = bot()

There's nothing new here. Why does allowing the ability to 
obsfucate suddenly warrant a -1?

- Gordon