[Python-Dev] Arbitrary attributes on funcs and methods

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 19:55:19 +0200

Jeremy Hylton wrote:
>   BAW> Think about my proposal this way: it actually removes a
>   BAW> restriction.
> I think this is really the crux of the matter!  The proposal removes
> a useful restriction.

Not sure... I wouldn't mind having the ability to add attributes
to all Python objects at my own liking. Ok, maybe a bit far
fetched, but the idea would certainly be useful in some cases,
e.g. to add new methods to built-in types or to add encoding
name information to strings...
> The alternatives /F suggested seem clearer to me that sticking new
> attributes on functions and methods.  Three things I like about the
> approach: It affords an opportunity to be very clear about how the
> attributes are intended to be used.  I suspect it would be easier to
> describe with a static type system.  It prevents confusion and errors
> that might result from unprincipled use of function attributes.

The nice side-effect of having these function/method instance
dictionaries is that they follow class inheritance. Something
which is hard to do right with Fredrik's approach.

I suspect that in Py3K we'll only have one type of class
system: everything inherits from one global base class -- seen
in that light, method attributes are really nothing unusual,
since all instances would have instance dictionaries anyway
(well maybe only on demand, but that's another story).

Anyway, more power to you Barry :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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