[Python-Dev] Arbitrary attributes on funcs and methods

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@cnri.reston.va.us
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 12:37:20 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "BAW" == Barry A Warsaw <bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us> writes:

  BAW> Functions and methods are first class objects, and they already
  BAW> have attributes, some of which are writable.  Why should
  BAW> __doc__ be special?  Just because it was the first such
  BAW> attribute to have syntactic support for easily defining?  

I don't have a principled argument about why doc strings should be
special, but I think that they should be.  I think it's weird that you
can change __doc__ at runtime; I would prefer that it be constant.

  BAW> Think about my proposal this way: it actually removes a
  BAW> restriction. 

I think this is really the crux of the matter!  The proposal removes
a useful restriction.

The alternatives /F suggested seem clearer to me that sticking new
attributes on functions and methods.  Three things I like about the
approach: It affords an opportunity to be very clear about how the
attributes are intended to be used.  I suspect it would be easier to
describe with a static type system.  It prevents confusion and errors
that might result from unprincipled use of function attributes.
