[Python-Dev] Heads up: socket.connect() breakage ahead

Fredrik Lundh Fredrik Lundh" <effbot@telia.com
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 22:11:02 +0200

Fred L. Drake wrote:
> Skip Montanaro writes:
>  > arguments: host and port.  It never occurred to me that there would =
even be
>  > a one-argument version.  After all, why look at the docs for help =
if what
>  > you're doing already works?
>   And it never occurred to me that there would be two args; I vaguely
> recall the C API having one argument (a structure).  Ah, well.  I've
> patched up the documents to warn those who expect intuitive APIs.  ;)

while you're at it, and when you find the time, could you perhaps
grep for "pair" and change places which use "pair" to mean a tuple
with two elements to actually say "tuple" or "2-tuple"...

after all, numerous people have claimed that stuff like "a pair
(host, port)" isn't enough to make them understand that "pair"
actually means "tuple".

unless pair refers to a return value, of course.

and only if the function doesn't use the optional argument
syntax, of course.


(I suspect they're making it up as they go, but that's another
