[Python-Dev] Heads up: socket.connect() breakage ahead

Tim Peters tim_one@email.msn.com
Tue, 4 Apr 2000 01:42:55 -0400

[Guido, on changing socket.connect() to require a single arg]
> ...
> Similar to append(), I may revert the change if it is shown to cause
> too much pain during beta testing...

I think this one already caused too much pain:  it appears virtually
everyone uses the two-argument form routinely, and the reason for getting
rid of that seems pretty weak.  As Tres Seaver just wrote on c.l.py,

    Constructing a spurious "address" object (which has no behavior, and
    exists only to be torn apart inside the implementation) seems a
    foolish consistency, beyond doubt.

So offer to back off on this one, in return for making 1/2 yield 0.5 <wink>.