[Python-Dev] python -t gets confused?

Vladimir Marangozov Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr
Sun, 2 Apr 2000 01:30:46 +0200 (CEST)

The tab/space checking code in the tokenizer seems to get confused
by the recently checked in test_pyexpat.py

With python -t or -tt, there are inconsistency reports at places where
there doesn't seem to be one. (tabnanny seems to be confused too, btw :)

./python -tt Lib/test/test_pyexpat.py
  File "Lib/test/test_pyexpat.py", line 13
    print 'Start element:\n\t', name, attrs
SyntaxError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

Thus, "make test" reports a failure on test_pyexpat due to a syntax error,
instead of a missing optional feature (expat not compiled in).

I'm not an expert of the tokenizer code, so someone might want to look
at it and tell us what's going on. Without -t or -tt, the code runs fine.

       Vladimir MARANGOZOV          | Vladimir.Marangozov@inrialpes.fr
http://sirac.inrialpes.fr/~marangoz | tel:(+33-4)76615277 fax:76615252