[Python-Dev] Unicode Proposal: Version 0.8

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:34:52 +0100

Mark Hammond wrote:
> > Pretty quiet around here lately...
> My guess is that most positions and opinions have been covered.  It is
> now probably time for less talk, and more code!

Or that everybody is on holidays... like Guido.
> It is time to start an implementation plan?  Do we start with /F's
> Unicode implementation (which /G *smirk* seemed to approve of)?  Who
> does what?  When can we start to play with it?

This depends on whether HP agrees on the current specs. If they
do, there should be code by mid December, I guess.
> And a key point that seems to have been thrust in our faces at the
> start and hardly mentioned recently - does the proposal as it stands
> meet our sponsor's (HP) requirements?

Haven't heard anything from them yet (this is probably mainly
due to Guido being offline).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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