[Python-Dev] Internationalization Toolkit

Fredrik Lundh fredrik@pythonware.com
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 13:39:56 +0100

Greg Stein <gstein@lyra.org> wrote:
> Have you ever noticed how Python modules, packages, tools, etc, never
> define an import hook?

hey, didn't MAL use one in one of his mx kits? ;-)

> I say axe it and say "UTF-8" is the fixed, default encoding. If you want
> something else, then do that explicitly.


modes are evil.  python is not perl.  etc.

> Are we digging a hole for ourselves? Maybe. But there are two other big
> platforms that have the same hole to dig out of *IF* it ever comes to
> that. I posit that it won't be necessary; that the people needing UCS-4
> can do so entirely in Python.

last time I checked, there were no characters (even in the
ISO standard) outside the 16-bit range.  has that changed?
